How to Know He Wont Change His Minf About Dating You

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When a guy who was one time very attentive and affectionate of a sudden backs off and creates distance betwixt the two of you lot, it is only natural to wonder why. There are a lot of theories out there on how to tell if a guy is losing interest in you, but nosotros've tracked down the best i. First and foremost, expect out for major shifts in communication between the ii of you. In one case you've identified some communication changes, assess his actions, and and so offset addressing the issue by talking to him, seeking advice from others, and focusing on yourself.

  1. one

    Await for reduced advice. This tin can exist one of the first signs that a guy is losing interest. Usually, yous tin safely assume that a guy will contact you if they want to talk to you. When a guy that commonly calls and texts you frequently stops doing so, yous should take note.

    • More than isolation and less verbal contact can be a sign of failing involvement. But, information technology might also signal changes in his personal life – perchance he's very busy or has bug to deal with at habitation.
    • Information technology's always all-time to reach out and ask directly rather than just assume he's lost interest.
  2. 2

    Watch out for shorter conversations. This goes paw in hand with reduced communication. If you offset to detect that when you do talk, it'south only for very short periods of fourth dimension you should be aware of that.

    • For example, if you become from talking on the phone for hours at a time to merely speaking for ten minutes at a time, this can be a sign that he's losing interest. He may try to shorten your conversations by ignoring your texts or calls for long periods of fourth dimension before returning them, or saying that he has to stop talking but doesn't offer a clear reason why.


  3. iii

    Notice when his tone of voice towards y'all changes. This is a strong tell that he's not interested anymore. Many men will speak to people that they're interested in with a softer and more flirtatious tone than they would employ with others. When his feelings change, his tone of vocalism becomes less affectionate and starts to audio similar his normal tone.[ane]

    • He may even speak unkindly towards y'all, or say unfriendly things. This is a clear sign that he is not interested in you. You do not deserve to be around someone who treats you poorly or says harsh or unfriendly things to you. If he e'er starts to say disparaging things most your looks, the things you exercise, or how yous human activity, you should end the conversation immediately.
  4. 4

    Listen to what he says. When you two are talking, does he ask y'all about meaningful things in your life or does he focus on himself? A guy that is interested in you volition try to take deeper conversations and try to go to know the real you. When he speaks, find when he tries to go along the chat superficial or tries to cutting it short.[2]

    • He may exist trying to subtly hint to you whether he is interested or not. You should pay shut attending to the things that he saying, also as the mode that he is saying things to you lot.
    • Does he joke with you every bit much? A lack of humor might mean he's feeling depression – maybe depressed – or simply a loss of interest in general.
    • Too annotation whether he talks nearly trivial things or goes into deeper subjects. Avoiding topics of substance or talking about his feelings may hateful he'southward not interested.
    • If he starts to talk about his relationships with other people, especially in a romantic way, he is letting you know that he sees yous only as a friend.


    Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Adept with over 10 years of helping people navigate the online dating earth. Joshua has run his own relationship consulting business since 2009 at a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Adept Morn America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to equally the best online dater in the globe.

    Joshua Pompey

    Joshua Pompey
    Relationship Expert

    Trust your instincts. If it feels like at that place'south something off, mostly, at that place is. Look for signs like the other person not texting you as often as they did early on in the courting, disappearing for longer periods of time, or not putting every bit much effort into your dates. Those could be signs he's thinking about ghosting you, then but keep your guard up.


  1. 1

    Notice when he breaks plans. When he consistently breaks plans that you two had made without rescheduling, you should take this every bit a sign that he doesn't want to hang out. He may as well cease asking you to hang out, which is a major red flag.

    • If you notice that you are the merely 1 suggesting things to do and making plans, you should concur back and see if he volition start to try to make plans. He will brand plans and attempt to hang out with you if he's still interested.
    • He may offer generic excuses to break plans, like that he has other things to practise, without offering you specifics. You should be aware if he never gives you a articulate answer nigh why he tin can't hang out. He may endeavour to be evasive about breaking plans. He could say things like, "I take plans with someone else" or "I tin can't make it tonight" without offer a clear reason why he is breaking plans.
  2. 2

    Lookout his behavior with others. You lot may be having trouble distinguishing whether he's treating yous differently or if he treats you the same style that he treats his friends. Watch how he interacts with people you lot know are his platonic friends and ask yourself whether he treats you in the same way.[3]

    • If he is treating you like he would whatever other friend, he is probably just beingness friendly to you lot and is not interested romantically. If he's interested in you, he'll treat you differently than he does his friends.
    • Some men have more flirtatious personalities, while others reserve their flirting for people that they do care near, so try to differentiate whether he is the former or the latter.
  3. 3

    Expect at his body language. Torso language offers clues about how someone is feeling. When someone is disinterested in or uncomfortable in a situation, they will attempt to subtly move abroad from you and avoid physical interactions. Look out for body language cues that signal that he is uncomfortable or disinterested in your interactions.[four]

    • He may effort to movement abroad from you, cross his arms in front of him, or turn abroad from you while you are talking. He may also attempt to avoid concrete contact, like a hug or you touching his arm, he is not interested.
    • If his heart contact is short and he breaks centre contact during conversations consistently, he may non be interested in what you lot're saying. [5] However, some men are shy – this might just signal nervousness or shyness and not a lack of involvement.
    • Some body language cues that he is disinterested are: pointing his feet and body abroad from you, rubbing his neck, crossing his artillery, looking at the flooring, or angling his trunk away from yours.[six]
  4. 4

    Notice if he stops all concrete contact. Touch builds allure and emphasizes physical closeness in any relationship. Look for whatsoever changes in the frequency of your physical contact and in the type of contact that you take together.[7]

    • For instance, the 2 of y'all may usually hug whenever you see each other. If he is no longer interested in you, he may end hugging you, or move away whenever yous try to hug him.
    • Even if you two do notwithstanding have physical contact, the type of contact can alter when he loses interest. He may tap yous on the arm instead of hugging you, which is a non-romantic gesture that about men use with friends.
  5. 5

    Encounter whether he pays attention. When guys are interested in someone, they will brand an try to call up important things about that person like their interests, their schedule, or facts about them. Guys will stop paying attention and remembering these things when they aren't interested anymore.[8]

    • For example, if he forgets your altogether fifty-fifty afterward you've been talking most information technology for a few weeks, he probably isn't interested anymore.
    • If he consistently forgets things that y'all tell him, similar that y'all take an interview coming up or that your family is coming in to town, he may no longer be interested in the things that are of import in your life.[9]
    • He might also stop making surprising and meaningful gestures as he did in the past, such as surprising you with flowers or a random gift.


  1. one

    Let him contact you first. If you lot've started to discover that he isn't communicating with you as much as he one time was, you should take a pace back from reaching out to him. When you're the but one who texts, calls, or tries to make plans without any reciprocity, information technology'due south clear that he isn't interested in seeing you.[10]

    • Attempt this for a week to see whether he begins to change. Do not contact him get-go and run into whether he initiates conversations with you. He will either notice that the conversations have stopped and reach out, or he will not achieve out and that will tell you that he isn't interested.
  2. 2

    Ask for advice. You may have mutual friends with the guy that you lot similar. If you are able to, enquire his friends if they know if he is interested in anyone or whether he is however interested in you.

    • Vice versa, observe if he asks you for advice about his romantic relationships with other people. This is a clear sign that he is interested in someone else and that he sees you only equally a friend. If he starts to ask things similar, "How can I become this girl to detect me?" or "What kind of date should I plan for her?" it'due south clear that he has no involvement in yous romantically.
  3. three

    Inquire him. This is the single best fashion to know whether he is interested in you still. Speculation about his communication, his behavior, or his attitude can help yous gain a good idea about how he is feeling, just you never know until you lot have a conversation with him.

    • This can exist scary and nerve wracking. No one wants to feel rejected and this is a vulnerable position to put yourself in. Nevertheless, y'all may exist reading his signals incorrectly or you may be missing signals that he thinks are clear.[eleven]
    • You lot can broach the subject indirectly or straight. You tin inquire him, "Are you lot notwithstanding interested in hanging out together, or would you rather just be friends?" This gets to the heart of the issue and gives him the opportunity to share what he is feeling.
  4. 4

    Have intendance of yourself. This is very of import since losing a guy that you're interested in can be an emotional time. Whether this guy who has lost involvement is your boyfriend, a crush, or an ex you demand to have care of yourself and exist kind to yourself.[12]

    • Practise things that make you happy. Y'all tin hang out with friends, melt your favorite meal, go for a walk outside, paint a picture, or watch a new movie.
  5. 5

    Keep your dignity. Have that he may not be interested you anymore with dignity and grace. Keep your distance from him and try non to vent your frustrations or acrimony to mutual friends.[13]

    • Information technology'south natural to grieve the loss of this relationship and your idea of what your hereafter might be together. After you're washed grieving, motion on from the state of affairs past focusing on the other positive parts of your life.
    • Keep the big picture in heed. Information technology is hard for you, for sure, but at that place are many wonderful guys out at that place looking for relationships.


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    My partner often plays "jokes" on me, calls me names like fat hog, and other things. What should I practise?

    Paul Chernyak, LPC

    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Advisor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional person Psychology in 2011.

    Paul Chernyak, LPC

    Licensed Professional Counselor

    Expert Reply

    Y'all should face up him near how those comments hurt you and say that you will not tolerate them. If he continues, then information technology's probably time to find a new relationship as it's unlikely he respects you and a sign of an unhealthy relationship.

  • Question

    The guy I fell in love with likes me, but at present I don't know if he merely wants me for sex or wants the sex because he's interested in me. What practise I practise?

    Paul Chernyak, LPC

    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011.

    Paul Chernyak, LPC

    Licensed Professional Counselor

    Expert Respond

    Consider what commonalities you both have besides sexual activity. If your relationship is mainly focused on sex, then it does non announced well-rounded and you lot should endeavor to hold off on the sex and see how he responds. A normal human relationship is based on much more than just sex.

  • Question

    I experience like nosotros're globe-trotting apart, only I'm scared that it's only me being overdramatic.

    Community Answer

    Y'all need to listen to your instincts. If yous feel that you might exist overreacting, you should try to pace dorsum from the situation and enquire for advice from others. Exist honest with him about how yous are feeling and brand an effort to spend time connecting with him.

  • Question

    If he doesn't call me for more than three days and then come with an excuse saying that he was tired, should I believe him?

    Community Answer

    It sounds similar you already have your respond. If you lot think that he was giving you an excuse, he probably was. When a guy wants to contact you, he will and being tired won't preclude that.

  • Question

    What do I practise if my beat is non interested with me anymore?

    Community Answer

    When someone is no longer interested in you, it is time for you to motility on. This can be hard and you should give yourself some fourth dimension to grieve and be sad. After that time, y'all volition need to pick yourself up and continue living your life without him in it.

  • Question

    How do I walk away with nobility?

    Community Answer

    When you realize that he is no longer interested, you can walk away with nobility past accepting that there is no human relationship there anymore and moving on. Have time for yourself and do things that make you happy. Don't try to change his mind or bother him by texting or calling him constantly. You may not exist able to remain friends after you realize he is not interested, only it is all-time for you to motility on.

  • Question

    If a guy says he's not interested in me anymore, could I make him interested in me again?

    Community Answer

    This depends on the situation. When a guy says that he is no longer interested in y'all, you lot should respect that and move on. However, in the future he may become interested in you lot again. Proceed to be friendly with him and maintain a positive relationship but yous cannot force someone to become interested in you romantically.

  • Question

    In a long distance relationship, how do you notice that your guy is not interested any more?

    Community Answer

    In this situation, yous don't have the benefit of seeing how he acts around other people. Y'all will need to rely on your communication with him to encounter whether he is still interested. Since you lot are in a relationship with him, y'all should be clear and enquire him whether he is still committed.

  • Question

    He lives in some other country and I feel like he isn't interested anymore. Even when we are together I feel like he's no longer interested in me. What should I do? I always feel similar I'm chasing after him.

    Community Answer

    In this scenario, you should take a week or two and end initiating contact with him. If he is truly interested in y'all, he will achieve out and try to communicate with you when he realizes that y'all two haven't been talking equally much. If he doesn't try to initiate contact, he is probably not interested anymore. You shouldn't have to chase subsequently someone that y'all like.

  • Question

    What if he starts to hibernate his phone and goes outside and around the corner to talk to people just says he is talking to his friends?

    Community Answer

    It sounds like he wants to have his conversations be private. He has a right to privacy and y'all don't demand to know who he is talking to at all times. If yous are seriously concerned that he might be adulterous, you need to be honest with him most how yous feel and accept a conversation with him.

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VideoRead Video Transcript

  • Remember to dearest yourself and know you are amazing. Never let someone who loses interest in y'all make you feel insecure.

  • Guys feelings modify for numerous reasons. It doesn't mean annihilation is wrong with you. However, it does hateful you need to start looking out for your own needs and making certain you can exit with nobility.


  • Don't ever overthink the "could haves". What could accept been didn't happen, so concentrate on what is hither at present and what is to come.

  • Try not to be bitter. Resentment holds you back and doesn't alter what has happened.


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Article Summary X

To tell if a guy is no longer interested in you, see if he doesn't telephone call or text you equally much as he used to since this is unremarkably one of the first signs that a guy is ready to move on. When you lot do talk, observe whether your conversations are shorter than normal. For example, peradventure you used to talk on the phone for hours and now you but have 10-minute conversations. Another thing y'all should lookout man out for is him breaking plans and not making any attempt to hang out. If you actually desire to know up front, yous can be direct and ask him something like, "Are you still interested in hanging out together, or would y'all rather simply be friends?" For more advice from out co-author, including how to read a guy's torso language to meet if he'south no longer interested in you, read on!

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